Aided Finance

We consider the aided finance as a lever to accelerate the business development dynamics and support enterprises in the identifying and obtaining the most appropriate grants to support their development programs.

Thanks to the experience and advanced expertise held, we use a strategic financial approach in the design phase of projects in order to minimize the dopant effects of grants and limit the negative side effects.

In the interests of long-term relationships with customers, we always evaluate the real situation of the company and its concrete growth opportunities through the development of the granted program, putting on the first place, therefore, its sustainability and the specific access conditions for the maximization of grant amount in order to avoid that the same grant becomes the dead weight rather than the propellant of the enterprise growth.

We share the risks with the client, linking our fees on the success of the operation. We make sure that the customer is able to effectively access to the grant obtained, supporting her/him since the program initiation up to the phase of the balance settlement, passing through all the intermediate stages of this process.

We provide the customer with the experience and relationship network consolidated in more than 30 years of management of granted programs in order to help choosing the most appropriate instrument and proactively manage all phases of the process of access and obtaining of the concession.

The most appropriate response to development projects, finance at the service of the company's strategic lines
Giuseppe Principe / Founder e partner

Development programs and Complex programs

Thanks to the great expertise gained relatively negotiating aided financing facilities characterized by high procedural complexity, we are able to support the promoters, whether consortia of SMEs, Large Enterprises or territorial areas, at all stages of the access to the complex process concessions.

We support the process of aggregation and selection of enterprises and projects to maximize the attractiveness of the proposal for decision-making bodies.

We prepare business plans and other technical documents necessary for the proposal submission.

We look after the relations with banks for obtaining the financing decisions.

We assist the applicants during the approval phase.

We support our customers in the implementation of projects and the reporting and verification phases, up to the balance of the subsidy.