We have been contributing to the success of businesses for over 40 years

Success Cases

Business Units:


100% Transfer

Iniziativa, as financial advisor, assisted Medinok in the sale of 100% of its capital to Telebit and in the reinvestment of a minority stake in the latter's capital.

Technical assistance

Technical assistance to the Managing Authority, to the Single Managers for Implementation/Action Line Managers and to the Certification Authority for the implementation of the intervention plan financed with the resources of the Regional Development and Cohesion Fund Campania for the programming periods 2000-2006, 2007-2013, 2014-2020, 2021-2027

Immobiliare S. Angelo SpA

Expansion of production capacity through the structural modernization of 10 hotel and accommodation facilities in the medium-high and high segment, the optimization of existing spaces and the expansion of the offer.


Innovate and expand the product range, in particular with the development and launch of the new P2020 aircraft; as well as expanding production capacity, with the construction of a new production site.

Technical assistance

Technical, specialist and management assistance service for projects financed under the Pact for the City of Naples FSC 2014-2020

Technical assistance

Technical support activities to the CPT Regional Unit of Bolzano for the analysis of economic-financial and equity data and processing of economic, financial, management and ESG performance indicators of the complex of Local Public Enterprises (around 115 entities) with a focus on investee companies with direct participation from the Province (22 entities)


Design and support for the implementation of the economic-financial control and management control system, the design of a KPI dashboard for monitoring company performance and the optimization of organizational processes

Model 231 from 2001

Support for the preparation of the company's Organization, Management and Control Model, drawn up pursuant to Legislative Decree 231 of 2001.

Sustainability Report

Support in the preparation of the corporate sustainability report and definition of the ESG strategy and indicators for monitoring sustainable variables

Sustainability reports

Support in the preparation of the corporate sustainability report and definition of the ESG strategy and indicators for monitoring sustainable variables

Sabina Public Water

PPP operation (pursuant to Legislative Decree 50/2016) concerning the "Implementation and management of a Smart metering system for the automation of the reading and management processes of Sabina Public Water meters and the implementation of a management of data driven water resource management processes”


Economic-financial analysis aimed at verifying the compatibility of the aid pursuant to art. 55 of the GBER of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 relating to the construction of "a "system connection between the Padola-Comelico Superiore district and Passo Monte Croce Comelico di Valgrande to the Tre Picchi - Col d'La Tenda station", developed by the Municipality of Comelico Superiore (Belluno) as part of the STACCO project for the valorization of the resources of Val Comelico

Technical assistance

Technical assistance in mapping, analysis and description of the processes underlying the implementation of public works, with a view to the project of simplification of investment processes and creation of the Knowledge Hub for Italian Municipalities and assistance in putting the website online

Icimendue 2025

Improvement of product quality and consequent reduction of waste due to defects, thanks to the installation of automatic and innovative printing control systems.


Distributed Advanced Energy Management Application





Leonardo Smart


Nearly Zero Air Pollution Building


Development of an aeronautical seat with the use of innovative technologies and materials for additive manufacturing and proposal of an innovative, sustainable and integrated Business Model in the industry 4.0 perspective


Evolution of Robotized cell for Machining and Additive manufacturing with wireless Sensor for data acquisition management and analysis

BO Industries Srl

New production unit for the production, processing and marketing of butter

Italrom Engineering

Egis acquires 100% of the capital of the ITR group, an engineering company based in Romania and Poland headed by a group of entrepreneurs from Campania. Iniziativa assisted them as a 360° advisor.

Comesvil SpA

The private equity fund Auctus Capital Partners has acquired 65% of Comesvil, an Italian excellence in the railway sector, Iniziativa supported the sellers in the deal.

Beste SpA

Iniziativa acted as financial advisor assisting Beste in the sale of the majority shares in favor of Hind – Industrial Holding


Advocating the role of Silk Art and Cultural Heritage at National and European scales


SMEs TRAnsition for a European Circular tourism Ecosystem


Boosting Resilience In five industrial ecosystems through adoption and Deployment of advanced technoloGiEs among SMEs


Design and delivery of training on corporate finance management: "Knowing the present to plan the future" to the top figures of 30 SMEs, in collaboration with the Naples Industrial Union

Business organization

Intervention to modernize and optimize the company's organizational and management structure, with consequent updating of the Organization Regulations and the Organization Implementation Regulations, aimed at making management more efficient

Business Process Engineering Startups

Support for the definition of the organizational structure, management and control processes of the commercial funnel and process optimization with a view to upgrading the company information system, design and implementation of the management control system and a KPI dashboard for monitoring the company performance

Business organization

Support in perfecting the business model, optimizing the organizational structure and company functions, assessing skills and plan to increase professionalism for listing on Euronext Growth Paris

Sustainability Report

Support in the preparation of the corporate sustainability report and definition of the ESG strategy and indicators for monitoring sustainable variables

Business Process Reengineering

Reorganization of the activities and processes of the offices in which the organization is organized with the aim of improving the offer of services provided to users with a view to optimizing the available resources and the digital transition


Acquisition of enabling technologies functional to the expansion of existing production capacity, for which it is also necessary to invest in masonry works and technological systems for the adaptation of work spaces.


Creation of new innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial investments aimed at encouraging the completion of the technological and digital transformation of the company towards strategic areas for competitiveness and sustainable growth


Efficiency of the production cycle by significantly reducing processing times thanks to the purchase of new railway vehicles equipped with innovative technology.

Heineken Italia SpA

Expansion of the production capacity of the Assemini site in order to cover the growing market demands for the products of the Ichnusa range

Evolutionary upgrading of the models in the assortment

Evolutionary upgrading of the models in the assortment



Usability and recyclability of materials, processes and products for sustainable air transport




Recovery of aeronautical waste from the perspective of industry 4.0 and sustainability

Giffoni Innovation Hub

CDP Ventur Capital, Opes Lcef Trust and Sefea Impact enter the capital of Giffoni Innovation Hub. Iniziativa assisted Giffoni as a financial and strategic advisor.

Calearo Antennas

Iniziativa assisted the Venetian company, a leader in the production of components for the automotive sector, in defining the strategy and in the process of accessing the financing allocated by the GID Fund established by Invitalia.

Business Process Reengineering

Business Process Reengineering intervention aimed at the upgrade and technological development of the company's IT assets; support in the design of the company performance monitoring system and in the optimization of organizational processes


Supporting the smes SUstainability and REsilience transition towards industry 5.0 in the mobility, transport & automotive, aerospace and electronics European ecosystems

European Digital Innovation Hub

Heritage Smart Lab

Management control and company organization

Design and support for the implementation of the management control system, the KPI dashboard for monitoring company performance and the optimization of the organizational structure and organizational and compliance processes from an ESG perspective


Consultancy and support for economic-financial and procedural aspects in all phases of the procedure relating to a PPP initiative (pursuant to paragraph 15 art. 183 Legislative Decree 50/2016) relating to an intervention of "Implementation and management innovative and integrated fuel charging station for new buses powered by LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) for the ATAP of P


Technical assistance to the Grantor in the evaluation of a Project Financing proposal relating to the "Renovation of the Ennio Tardini municipal stadium in Parma and its management and management" presented pursuant to Law 147/2013 and subsequently adapted to the Legislative Decree 38/2021


Technical assistance to the Grantor in the evaluation of a Project Financing proposal relating to a "Recovery with demolition and reconstruction of the "Porta Elisa Municipal Stadium" of Lucca and restoration of the historic grandstand" presented pursuant to Law 147/2013 and subsequently adjusted in compliance to Legislative Decree 38/2021

Santa Maria Terni Hospital

Technical assistance for the economic-financial and management evaluation relating to a project financing proposal pursuant to art. 183, paragraph 15, of Legislative Decree 50/2016 for the "Construction and management of the new Terni hospital"

South Tyrol Health Authority

Technical assistance to the Grantor in the evaluation of a Project Financing proposal relating to an intervention for the "Supply of energy carriers (hot water, steam, electricity) for the San Maurizio hospital in Bolzano"

Corporate training

Support for the organization and delivery of the training program aimed at strengthening the capacity building of local public administrations in the field of Public Private Partnership (PPP)

Corporate training

Planning of the training intervention and provision of training, in support of ANCI CAMPANIA, on the issues of Public Private Partnership to the Municipalities of the Campania Region for the simplification of relations with the Public Administrations and the increase in investment opportunities and valorisation of the municipal heritage

Technical assistance

Administrative and accounting assistance service for obtaining and reporting financial benefits deriving from community, national and local regulations provided by the Puglia Region


“Eating well and gluten-free: development of a gluten-free croissant (already cooked and frozen) with valuable nutritional characteristics


Smart Infrastructures for Transport and Mobility


Large UAS Conversion – Mro Enhancement