Graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce from the University of Naples Federico II. He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Naples (member of the “Extraordinary Finance-Venture Capital and Private Equity” and “Sea Economy” commissions) and of the register of statutory auditors. He has gained in-depth knowledge in the banking sector and in particular in the corporate sector, in which he worked from February 1981 to March 2017, developing his professional growth path up to management (since 2003), collaborating with Interbanca, Gruppo Fi.Me Finanziaria Meridionale – Fime Leasing and with Centrobanca (with the role of head of the Southern Italy area as well as member of the board of directors of Centrobanca SF), which then merged into Ubi Banca in 2013. He has held roles of responsibility both in the commercial and credit granting sectors ordinary and subsidized, as well as support activities also for the Ubi Group network for medium-term, structured and extraordinary finance / investment banking operations. He is a consultant in corporate strategy and finance (Acquisition Finance, M&A, generational transitions, etc.).
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